Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hercules, Injuries, and Kitties


Apparently my mom was going to direct a childrens' play at her church (directing a play is a very fictitious activity to assign to my mom). Apparently the play was a version of the "Hercules" story, but told as a comedy (I suppose not unlike the 90's Disney adaptation). Even though the play was starring children, they needed an adult to play Hercules, so she asked me. (If I was eligible to play that role, then it must have been a comedy adapation indeed!)

The thing was, her asking me was very last minute. There would be no rehearsals or anything. We'd go to the church, where the play was to be held, and I'd just have to improv my part throughout. For some reason I agreed to this. I had to wear a long blond wig to be Hercules, so I put it on and began thinking how to play a skinny, comedic Hercules. I just kept going back to the Disney version in my head.

We got to the church and everyone was talking about the play being a Harry Potter play, and so all of the sudden that was the proper reality of the dream (I just saw the latest movie adaptation last night, so that explains this). I couldn't believe a church was going to have a Harry Potter play, but I thought it would be fun to be in it.

I was still with my mom, and we were entering a stairwell to go down several flights of steps. We saw a middle-aged woman and her young adult daughter, and it was supposed to be one of my old high school teachers and her daughter (though this was all fictional).

My mom and my "former teacher" talked all the way down the stairs. The daughter was ahead of them and I was behind. Suddenly the duaghter tripped and fell down the entire last flight of stairs. It looked like a pretty nasty fall, and scared us all. Her mom and my mom began tending to her immediately, and she seemed to be unconscious.

The two moms began removing my shoelaces. I asked why, and they said they needed them to tied a splint to her leg, which was broken. Eventually the girl came to, and seemed to be mostly okay except for the broken leg and being generally beat up.

Suddenly, there was a litlte dog, perhaps a Yorkshire terrier, that had supposedly been with the other mom and daughter the whole time. I tended to the dog, keeping it out of the way, while they tended to the daughter. Then a man who was supposed to be the father and husband came up to check on things. He took the dog from me and began telling me stories of how every morning he'd crumble up a bagel, mix it with honey, and feed it to the dog. He seemed pretty oblivious to his daughter's plight while he held that precious dog.

Then I remember flipping through the pictures on my cell phone, but the whole thing operated more like my actual real camera (which is a new one). There were pictures supposedly made at my aunt and uncle's house, though it was actually a house I lived in several years ago. I was color correcting all the pictures on the phone/camera, and then suddenly realized that they were only pictures of a messy house, so why wasn't I just deleting them instead of taking the time to color correct them?

There was one other dream later on, and it involved a mother cat, a stray I had apparently taken in, giving birth to kittens. The newborn kittens actually looked a few weeks old, but that was of no notice in the dream. I made a box into a makeshift bed and left the kittens in it in the kitchen of my fictional dream-house.

Later, I came back to the box to find it was filled not with kittens, but with very large rats. They werent' scurrying away from me, either--they were chilling in the box like the kittens had done. Just looking at me.

I looked outside the window, and saw the mother cat was walking around in a field. A large cougar suddenly confronted her. I saw the kittens weren't far behind her, and she began to arch up and hiss at the cougar. I began to panic, but before I could do anything the cougar pounced on the mother cat and began to viciously kill her. I woke up.


Anonymous said...


the bit about the bagel and honey
was really funny

and the rats- just chilling:)

Andrew said...

Yeah, it was a mostly creepy dream, but that bagel part got me, too.

And I just skimmed back over it and realized this was fat-packed with typos and errors, way more than the norm. Hopefully it's all fixed now, but I gotta start proofing these things!