Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Two Daria Shirts


Eric and I went out of town to some attend special entertainment-related event, more or less a Comic-Con type of thing (though I've never actually been to a Con). We were sitting in for one lecture about the (fictional) new season of Daria they were producing (that's a show I used to love back in the day).

They lady hosting the lecture asked a trivia question about the old show and Eric and I blurted out the answer simultaneously. We each got a Daria T-shirt as a reward, though I for some reason got two identical shirts instead of one. The shirts were black and featured all of the main cast drawn in "Chibi" style.

After this event we went to other parts of the "Con", though at this point our various misadventures are all a blur of vagueness to me. My next clear memory is at some point I noticed Eric was holding his Daria shirt from before and I realized I didn't have mine--I'd left them back in the original room of the lecture!

We went back to look for them, but the room was empty. No shirts left in my seat, and no representative to ask about it. I felt really disappointed that I'd actually won something kind of cool and immediately lost it, even if it was somewhat inconsequential in the long run.

My final memory is being back "home". Though one would assume we were staying in a hotel since we were out of town, the room I was in looked like the guest room I stay in when I visit my parents. I remember I felt like it had been a long day, and I really just wanted to take a shower.

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