Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cleaning the Shower


What should have been the bathroom in my master bedroom was actually just one huge shower. Literally, it was the size size of a small room, and was octagonal in shape (or perhaps pentagonal, or some similar, many-sided shape).

I knew that company was coming, and this meant I had to clean the shower. It was so large I had to start out by spraying it down with a garden hose. I remember lots of grime and stuff that looked like algae washing off the walls. Then I had to start scrubbing. It was not an easy task. What a fun dream!

There was also some other dream, or another part of the dream, in which I had found some pages for a comic book I'd started to draw but never finished. I think these were really supposed to be from one of the ideas I had roughly a decade ago. I remember discussing this find with Richard and showing him the pages. He declared "we never should have stopped that project, we should have kept on with it!"

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