Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Audition and the Cats


Eric and I were on a road trip to audition for parts in a skit on Conan O'Brien's show. Apparently it was a contest of some sort that was being held for fans. We stopped on our way at what looked like some old, country convenience store.

Inside the store we found, among various and sundry items, a kennel full of cats for sale. One of the cats in particular really caught my attention. It was a sort of Calico, but it also seemed to have some large areas of's tough to describe it in the waking world. Anyway, for whatever reason, I really wanted this cat.

My next memory if of Eric and I actually being at the Conan audition event. There were many other fans forming many lines outside of some small buildings. It was a bright, sunny, hot day. At one point Andy Richter walked by.

Later, I was back in the store with the cats. I think I had decided to actually buy the Calico and take it home. Before I bought it, I noticed a large cage full of especially large, especially fat cats. The store owner explained to me that they were Maine Coons (I don't really know a lot about that breed, so I don't know how much the dream-cats actually resembled them).

I called the Maine Coons to come up close to me, and they all acted as though they wanted to be affectionate and receive petting--but they were so fat that couldn't really move. They just rolled around and mewed fairly pitifully.

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