Saturday, April 7, 2012

An Old Western and Breakfast


I vaguely remember watching a movie on TV. It was a western, and it centered on an older, fat man of dubious character who had befriended a single mother and her young son. The man had gradually gained their trust, and the little boy especially looked up to him.

The man and child were sitting outside of some kind of saloon one evening when the boy gave the man a gift. It was type of golden ornament, not unlike a crown. The man took it and put it in his bag. Then he quickly snuck away, and it revealed that his getting close to this family had all been abut stealing this golden prize. What a hateful character! Seeing the man report back to his evil, female "boss" is the last thing I remember...

In another dream I remember walking through a large, spacious house out in the country. I stumbled into one room where Prince/King Joffery from Game of Thrones was belittling and threatening to kill someone. I quickly backed out of the room and went on my way.

In the kitchen I found my mom making breakfast. There were glass doors that lead out onto a deck or patio where I could see men at work. My mom explained what they were repairing or building (I can't remember now). Then she stepped outside and asked the men if they'd like any of the biscuits she was making. She even said, in a sing-song voice, "They're oh-so tasty and covered with gravy!" (which is not a thing my mom would do). Even in the dream world I found that odd.

Soon after, my dad came into the room and my last memory is the three of us eating breakfast. I woke up hungry.

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