Sunday, October 26, 2008

Kneeling Girl *PLUS* Feathered Rogers


First I remember being in a friend or acquaintance's apartment, but it was an entirely fictional location. They were giving me a tour of the place, and we eventually came to their balcony patio. They opened the curtains and the sliding glass door to give me a view, and I was shocked that there was a girl already out there.

The girl, a fictional character, bore a vague resemblance to Bettie Page (but definitely wasn't supposed to be her) and was wearing only a dark blue bikini. She was kneeling silently on the balcony, staring pensively into the distance. She paid us no attention when we stepped out, and my host ignored her as well. I, on the other hand, couldn't take my eyes off her. But I didn't know how to handle the situation--it felt like I shouldn't be the only one to say something about it, so I tried me best to kind of ignore the situation like everyone else was doing.

Eventually we came back into the apartment and moved on, but the girl stayed on the balcony. I found myself sneaking a peek out the window periodically to see if she was still out there. She always remained in the same spot, in the same kneeling position. I was a bit perplexed.


I was in a mall, just walking around with seemingly no real purpose for being there. Suddenly I noticed a man wearing a jacket covered with yellow feathers. The yellow feathers looked exactly like those of Big Bird from Sesame Street. But apart from the feathery jacket, he was in normal attire. When the man came close enough, I realized it was Mister Rogers!

"Isn't he dead?" I kept asking myself. But it had to be him! I kept following close behind him wherever he walked. I noticed other passers by were also taking notice of the strange fellow in the feather-coat--some just because of the outfit, but others recognized him as I did.

He seemed to be in his own little world, completely unaware of any of us. He just meandered along silently. I never caught up to him or spoke to him, nor did I see him ever interact with anyone else.


Anonymous said...

and a bit sad;

sounds a bit like a film noir title
"Dead People wear feathered coats"

very interesting concept though

Andrew said...

Yeah, it was a bit sad. I miss Mister Rogers...

Good title for a film noir..what a strange one that would be!