Saturday, November 19, 2011

Celebrity Charity Benefit


Apparently the place where I work was hosting some sort of celebrity event to raise money for charity. We were going to be filming it and broadcasting it on TV. I remember the celebrities began to arrive and I, as my other responsibilities allowed, would help to greet them as they walked in the door.

At one point I remember greeting Tim Allen and Tom Hanks, which no doubt appeared in my dream due to my love of the Toy Story movies. Then someone came up to me and told me that Bill Murray had just arrived in the parking lot. This really excited me, and I hoped I'd get the chance to greet him and speak to him when he came inside. Because, let's face it, he's Bill Murray.

The person warned me that he did not like to be approached or addressed, so I shouldn't say anything to him unless he spoke first. Fortunately, I was at the door when he came in, and he shook my hand and spoke to me as he passed by. that was enough for me. I could say I'd shaken Bill Murray's hand, and I was happy.

I have very vague memories of seeing the actors on the stage hosting the event, touting whatever unspecified (or at least unremembered) charity this whole thing was for. Then I remember the event ending, and I went outside to where there was a huge gift shop.

Now I was with an ex girlfriend as we browsed the gift shop and we discussed the event we'd just seen. I remember seeing a lot of cool, vintage-looking Peanuts memorabilia in the store.

Somehow this part of the dream morphs into another dream in which I'm walking through a grocery store rather than a gift shop, and rather than being with an ex girlfriend, I'm with a fictional girl who is supposedly my new, current girlfriend.

I remember the two of us just filling up a shopping cart as we made our way through the store. When we left and went back outside, someone picked us up in a van. The girl and I sat in the back of the van and told the driver about a trip we were supposedly just now returning from, like we'd been on a vacation of sorts.

I was unpacking and organizing a duffel bag of belongings as we rode along. I had a T-shirt adorned with an illustrated graphic of the U.S. Constitution and a couple of other trinkets which were supposedly souvenirs from this trip.

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