Friday, July 10, 2009

The Cartoon Fireworks


I was leaving some residence--it actually looked kind of like a hotel--and was preparing to get into my car. Suddenly I heard some loud explosions and turned to see that there were fireworks going off on the horizon. It only sunset, but they were still easily visible. I stood beside my car and watched the show for a few moments.

I quickly realized these were very special fireworks. Upon exploding, they'd leave behind a giant cartoon image of some character which would linger in the sky for a few second and then fade away. It wasn't that the fireworks sparks formed shapes that merely suggested characters; they left behind actual animated cartoon images.

One of the oddest images I remember was a Simpsons-style Hank Williams Jr.! It was just his head, and it appeared in the sky, winked, and faded out. I haven't seen the episode of The Simpsons in which Hank Jr. had a cameo in ages--nor have I given any other conscious thought to him in recent history--so this appearance is incredibly odd to me.

Another explosion left behind a cartoony, purple hot air balloon. By now I had reached into my car and pulled out my conveniently placed camera. Surely no one would believe me if I did't get pictures of these things!

The first blast to go off after I had the camera was one that left behind an especially gigantic cartoon sun. It just bobbed around, smiling happily and looking down on the world below it...including me. It actually lit the sky like an actual sun. I snapped several pictures, but by now this experience was beginning to feel more surreal and creepy than amusing.

Later I remember sitting at a long table in a cafeteria sort of setting with many other people. Richard was near me, and we were talking about something. Off to the side there was a display of several video game systems, and a screen showing trailers for upcoming games.

I happened to look up to catch one of the game trailers in a moment that it was showing a man with a handlebar mustache. I thought it must be something set in the 19th century, but then this character donned knight's armor, and I realized it was a medieval setting. The object of the game was to slay dragons and save maidens. It actually looked pretty cool, even though I'm not really a gamer.

About this time I realized I was terribly hungry, and I wanted to get something to eat. Richard beat me to the punch by suggesting we do just that. My last memory is getting up to leave.


Anonymous said...

nice dream
the ever present camera

my translation for this dream'

your favorite type of music: Folk
your favorite part of the egg:Yolk
your favorite u.s. president: Polk

you lucky numbers are 6 and Zebra

Andrew said...

The ever present camera is a reflection of real life, more or less.

Come onnnnnnn ZEBRA!