Friday, July 24, 2009

MST3K and Coraline


I was going through my old episodes of Mystery Science Theater 3000 on VHS, with the intention of dubbing them to DVD (a project I began once, but have never finished). I also had a stack of ones I'd apparently bought online, from eBay or something, and I was reviewing those tapes to see what episodes were on them. I recall one MST3K on these tapes being followed by some really weird sci-fi show. I kept assuming the person who had made the tape just caught the beginning of that show, but as I kept fast-forwarding there seemed to be a whole episode on there.

Next I remember something about seeing Coraline in the theater again (I'd just bought that on Blu-Ray when I had this dream, but hadn't watched it yet). The picture quality was very grainy and ugly, and even though this was a theater in the dream, I thought it was disappointing that a "Blu-Ray" copy looked so poor. It was also regularly interrupted by commercials.

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