Saturday, June 11, 2011

Taking Donations Before the Wedding


I was with a large group of people one evening. We were gathered in a parking lot of some sort, across the street from a row of buildings that looked like small businesses. Though I remember nothing wedding-like about the dream, we were supposed to be part of a wedding party.

I was standing around talking to someone when my mom approached me and told me I needed to be ready because the bride (whatever her name was) was almost ready for my part in the ceremony (and now, I wasn't the groom, just a participant, though I can't remember in what way). I looked over my shoulder and remember seeing the bride and bridesmaids giggling and talking a few feet away. Awake, I don't recognize them as any actual people I know.

Before my part in the wedding, however, my mom handed me a baseball cap and said I needed to make the rounds taking donations for Pixar (as in, the animation studios). I couldn't fathom why Pixar needed donations from anyone, but I dutifully walked around the crowd with my hat.

Everyone very happily and graciously donated, each proclaiming their love for the studio and how they were so glad to help out. It was a lot like that last scene in "It's A Wonderful Life" when everyone helps George Bailey! Pretty soon my upturned baseball cap was full of cash and checks.

Then my mom appeared again and told the the wedding was starting and I was going to be late! I held the cap up against my chest as to hopefully secure the contents from spilling as I began running across the street, toward where I knew the ceremony to be held. I looked back and saw some loose pieces of paper in the parking lot as I fled. Fearing it might be money I'd lost from the cap, I ran back, only to find it was just litter. Now even later, I began running to my appointment at the ceremony again!

I remember running up sidewalks, jumping small landscaping walls, etc. Finally I made it up the street to a very big, probably very old house. It was in a poorly lit area and it was fully dark outside now, so visibility was not great, except for the lights from the home's windows. There was steep hill leading up to the house. Fortunately there was a stairway made of old railroad ties and stones to make the trek up the hill slightly easier on foot.

I bounded the steps two at a time, by now grunting and huffing and sweating profusely. One I made it to the house, I slipped in a window into a small room with my bed and the TV from my living room together in it. This "room" was actually just a small "balcony" of sorts that overlooked a larger room where all the guests were.

Some animated movie, I think "Tangled", was playing on the TV. My last memory is looking down at the crowd and someone shouted up at me that I'd left my TV on too loud, and could I please turn it down. I informed them that I'd used "the remote control on my keychain" to turn it down from the parking lot, but I guess it hadn't worked.

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