Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snow and Fire


In real life I was spending the night at my parents' for Christmas when I had this dream. While there was no chance of anything like snow for Christmas (the weather was rather warm and pleasant, if a bit rainy). I dreamed that my mom came into my room early in the morning, around 5:00, to say that we'd gotten a light snow. She was waking me up because it would likely be mostly melted by the time I got up much later in the morning, but she thought I might want to see it or take some pictures of it.

The rest of that dream consisted of my thinking about getting out of bed to take pictures of the snow. I could see a little of it from the window near the bed. I was just too sleepy and comfortable to really get up. And I think at some point I eventually did wake up just enough to realize I was dreaming the whole thing.

Later there was a dream that had something to do with a girl and I hanging out at my apartment on night
(I don't recall who she was, not even if she was from real life or just fictional). We went outside where there was this odd little hut of some sort on the lawn. Somehow we accidentally caught its straw roof on fire and began trying to put it out with a conveniently placed hose.


Anonymous said...

I guess you didn't want the hut to burn- hence the hoses?

pictures of snow are peaceful-
at least in my experience

Andrew said...

Yeah, apart from the last bit trying to put out the fire the dream had a peaceful atmosphere.