Sunday, November 21, 2010

Burning Buildings


Thanks to my recent real-life trip to Disney World, I dreamed that my friends and I were in one of the Disney resort hotels. We were shopping in one of the stores. There was a creepy, dark corridor in one part of the store, and a small girl approached us and led us around (creepy corridors and children leading you around them is never a good sign, if you didn't know).

At some point it became clear the place was on fire and we had to escape. I have vague memories of running through a maze of hallways until I finally seemed to have found safety in a small kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table and began eating something, and was soon joined by a married couple. They looked sort of like a couple I went to high school with (they were dating then and are, I believe, married now, though I was never really personal friends with them).

The couple at the table were talking, and soon they began arguing and throwing about racial slurs. I was offended and so left the table. In the adjoining living room I was now on the phone with someone. I was barefoot and pacing as I talked, and soon noticed that the floor was very hot. Then I saw smoke coming from under the door and the doorknob was also hot. The place was on fire again!

The last part of the dream I remember is escaping the burning building again, and then driving my car up and down a local highway.

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