Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Concert in Fake Germany


For some reason I was visiting Germany (I've never really been). I was surprised to find that everywhere you went, Nazi guards had to check your ID and papers before you would be allowed access. Sometimes checks would be performed on you at random.

Then I was walking through a public park (still in Germany) at night. An outdoor concert was taking place, and I was trying to find out where in the park it was. I could hear the music, but the area was so large and crowded I could not find it specifically.

Some young man, probably in his twenties crossed my path, and we supposedly had already met each other before during my time in Germany. He walked the paths with me and told me he could help me find the concert area. First I had to use the bathroom, so I excused myself to do just that.

The public restroom was very odd-looking. All the toilets were made in such a way that even males had to sit down to pee (I don't remember how one designs a toilet that requires that, but it was true in the dream).

When I left the bathroom, my guide was gone, and I was once again seeking the concert stage on my own. I could still hear it, and it was very frustrating never to be able to find the source of the music!

I did finally find the stage. When it was empty and the crowd had long dispersed, leaving being only empty cups, bottles, and other trash.

Next I was in some sort of mall. I realized I'd left my papers somewhere else, and was afraid one of the guards would ask for them. Sure enough, a beautiful-but-tough looking blonde female officer approached me. She was wearing a vaguely fetishistic leather Nazi uniform on. I am not even going to try to analyze that. But in the end, I somehow got away from her despite not having my papers.

I went into a book store, and there was a hardcover volume of old, vintage comics that I thought was very cool. The cover had a female character that looked a little like Betty Boop on it, dressed as the officer from before had been dressed. My dad was there and he thought it was "too sexy".

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