Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doodles '96


Richard and I attended a "Weird Al" Yankovic concert. At one point I realized I didn't have my camera. I did have a bag with me that the camera, and other supplies, are often stored in when I'm on the go. But it wasn't in that bag, either.

My next memory is sitting alone at home looking through a pile of scrap paper filled with old doodles and sketches I had made. The art must have been dated, because I specifically remember associating it with 1996.

There was a separate dream in which I was watching "Lost" on TV and Jack and Kate and Sawyer had found an abandoned refrigerator that had some kind of power about it. I think they were taking turns stepping into it to gain some kind of power, or arguing about whether or not to do that, or something.

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