Sunday, April 3, 2011

On the Run in the Secret Rooms


There were a couple of older adults, and two or three people around my own age. Most of them were fictional dream characters. One of them was a girl I apparently had a crush on. We were all on the run from something. I think supposedly some kind of Nazi-like government had taken control and we were trying to stay in hiding.

One of the older ladies knew of a secret room inside the building we were in. It led into several other secret rooms that obviously had not been visited in some time. The lady explained to us the function these secret rooms had served in the past, but I can't remember it now.

We spent some time in these rooms, just hiding silently, hoping to evade capture. During this time the fictional girl I was crushing on and I seemed to grow much closer. That was the one silver lining of our scary ordeal.

My final memory involves us deciding to sneak out of the secret passageway, leaving the building completely and going out into the woods. We were walking a long a huge dirt trail cut through a thick forest. I can't remember what else happened.

There is some snippet of a second dream I recall. I was talking to an ex-girlfriend and her sister, and in the dream they supposedly also had a brother. They were teasing the brother because he had "mom hair". I can't remember what supposedly constituted "mom hair" in the dream. They just called him "mom" sometimes.

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