Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Pretty Girl, A Zombie Attack, and an Art Contest


In the first of three remembered dreams, I was a dating a really beautiful girl. She was petite and had really nice, long brunette hair and dark features. I was unbelievably happy that things between us seemed to be going well.

Later I showed up at some crowded public event and saw her sitting with another man. She didn't know I was there, but I overheard her talking to the guy about how she hated going out with me. She had started doing it under some pretense--I can't recall what she said it was--and couldn't wait until she could get out of it.

Of course I was devastated to hear this, but thought it was a believable outcome and couldn't believe I hadn't seen it coming.

In another dream, it was late at night and I was walking around the track I usually go walking at early on weekday mornings. The only difference was that a nearby grocery store was located right across the street from the track in the dream.

I overheard a girl talking on her cellphone and looked up to see her walking across the street from the grocery store parking lot onto the track. At this point I was finishing up my walk and was headed to my car in the track parking lot. It turns out the cell phone girl was parked beside my car, and we entered our respective vehicles at the same time and proceeded to leave.

Somehow both our cars ended up stuck in mud, or sunk into a ditch, or some similar obstacle. We couldn't move. I remember as I sat there spinning my wheels, I looked into my passenger seat and saw two birthday cards, one with Tinkebell, and one with Disney's Princess Tiana. I knew that both of them were meant to be given to my friends' daughter, Cailey, on her upcoming birthday.

Anyway, the girl and I got out of our cars and began discussing our predicament. Then we noticed a car nearby us that is filled with zombies! One guy in the car, who looked a little bit like Ron Weasley from the Harry Potter movies, was not a zombie, but he was too terrified of the zombies to actually flee the car. I remember the girl and I pleading with him to get out of the car and run with us! It was a very, very intense scene in the dream. I remember feeling just terrified.

We finally pulled the guy from the car, and the three of us piled into an SUV with a couple of other people in it, and began fleeing the zombies. As we drove, a middle aged man with an English accent began narrating our escape from the back seat. I wondered if this was the beginning of the final Harry Potter movie, and we were somehow in it.

As the man continued narrating, Eric, who was suddenly in the car with us, began asking me questions about some poster contest we had supposedly entered years ago. I was annoyed, because I couldn't hear the narrator when he was talking, and I was desperately trying to prove my theory that we were stuck in a movie. Somehow only hearing what the narrator said could help me with this.

There was one other dream in which it was a given fact that every April, I hosted a contest at my deviantART gallery online. Each week I'd give a theme and participants would turn in a drawing inspired by the theme, and there would be a winner each time. Only in this dream, I had forgotten to start the contest at the first of the month, and was rushing to start it late.

My first challenge for contestants was to draw something inspired by just the word "dinosaur". Fro some reason my dad, who is not an artist and in no way follows or cares about cartoon art, decided he wanted to join the contest. He practiced drawing and actually turned in a decent drawing on a dinosaur. There was some kind of actual process and "story" as he was talking to me about learning to draw the dinosaur, but it all gets lost in a blur of events in my memory.

I recall the second contest I posted was to draw something inspired by a specific Arnold Schwarzenegger 80's movie (one that doesn't exist in real life). My dad wouldn't join this contest, because he'd never seen the movie and didn't want to watch it because it was rated R. I explained to him that contestants only had to enter ONE of the challenges for the whole month anyway, so he didn't need to turn in another if he didn't want to.

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