Monday, July 18, 2011

The Concert


I was attending an outdoor concert at dusk on a summer night. For some reason I was on the stage, with a vantage point from behind the singer. This didn't seem strange or special to me, it just felt like I was watching a show the same as the rest of the crowd. The performer was some cheesy female country singer of some sort.

At one point we began to hear the distant rumble of thunder and see the lightning in the gathering clouds. The singer announced that they would pause the concert and resume indoors in a few minutes.

During this intermission, I decided I'd go back "to my hotel room" (apparently this was taking place out of town) and get my camera so I could get pictures of the show. In the lobby of what I guess was the quaint little hotel, I passed a gift shop (I actually think something might have happened here in an earlier, forgotten part of the dream, because it was very familiar).

The shop had a lot of accessories for costumes, and I decided to buy a low-quality costume fedora. For some reason I actually thought it would be funny to stick a "press" ID in the band of the hat so I'd look like an old-fashioned reporter when I was photographing the concert.

On my way from the shop to the hotel room I paused and looked at the large conference room where they were preparing a stage for the show. A crowd was beginning to gather. I went on to the room and found my camera.

My last memory is being back outside (not inside!) for the concert. The weather was now clear, and it seemed to be a little lighter outside than it had been. I found a place not too far from the stage to stand, and now some of my friends were with me. At this point I was aware that Jenny Lewis and/or Neko Case were going to perform, so I was excited, as they are favorites.

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