Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Reluctant Caterpillar


I was dating Zooey Deschanel, but I related to her as though she was my actual real-life girlfriend, so I guess she was sort of a mash-up character in the dream. I vaguely remember we were at someone's house where a party of some sort was being held.

We were ready to go, but before we could leave, I for some reason felt like I had to walk over to the fireplace in the room where we were and pick up a potted plant. There was a caterpillar on a leaf of the plant which I picked up and tried to shove into a small, circular hole in the side of the pot. The caterpillar struggled and did not want to go into the hole, and it was very tricky trying to force it to go in without squishing it. For some reason I just "knew" this worm was supposed to live in the soil and not on the surface, so I was trying to "help" it by forcing it to crawl through the hole into the dirt.

There was some other part of the dream where "Zooey" and I had a very mild argument, I think because I was ready to go home and she wanted to stay. She huffed out of the room and sulked somewhere.

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