Thursday, April 24, 2008

Theft and a Puppet Show


I visited a fictional comic store. It was run by one of my favorite cartoonists, Ben Caldwell. In the dream he collected classic movie posters, and the walls of the comic store were adorned with them.

At one point the store was raided by people in uniform...they looked sort of like police, but not in a traditional sense. I'm not certain who they were supposed to be. At any rate, they began violently removing all the posters from the walls. Some of them they took with them, and others they destroyed. Once their job was done, they left.

Then Ben got a group of people who had been in the store, including myself, to sign up for a puppet show he was going to be performing for some kids. We all promptly began practicing. The "puppets" were nothing more than small shapes cut from colored construction paper with faces drawn on them (some had the plastic "googly" eyes as well). Each shape was glued onto a Popsicle stick that you could use as a handle to "control" the puppet.

There was some kind of choreography where we were supposed to make the puppets assemble together in a shape resembling the NBC peacock logo.

Then the children arrived and we began to put on the show, which I only have vague memories of.


Anonymous said...

this one is better.

a little Fahrenheit 451
mixed with a kindergarten craft activity

yay googly eyes

Andrew said...

I think, should I find myself in an actual dystopian future someday (no real chance of THAT happening though, ha ha ha...gulp), I would find some small degree of solace in knowing that childrens' crafts still thrived. Or not...