Saturday, May 31, 2008

Grocery Game *PLUS* Geisha Gang


I was playing a video game. It had a "cel shaded" appearance, and resembled an anime style. The rather thrilling concept was that a family went to the grocery store. You played as one member of a family (dad, mom, a young boy, a young girl, and an adolescent boy). The family split up inside the grocery store, and you had to make your character get as many items as he or she could possibly carry in their arms and take them back to the family grocery buggy. You got more points for the more things you could carry, and lost points for everything that you dropped once you'd picked it up.

I played as the adolescent boy character. The game decided to handicap me by putting my character on crutches. It was hard to make him carry anything while walking on said crutches, but I managed a couple of bottles and a box of something. Then I saw a rack full of long fluorescent bulbs. I tried to pick up as many of them as I could to take back to the buggy.

When I tried to release them into the buggy, most of the bulbs dropped and shattered, and I lost tons of points. That's all I remember of playing this ridiculous video game in this ridiculous dream.


I was hanging out at Eric's apartment (though it was a fictional apartment in the dream). He was watching TV and told me there was pizza in the fridge. I went and looked, only to find that the pizza was actually in the freezer. I set it out and turned on the oven to preheat.

While I waited for this, I went to see what was on the TV. It was some kind of historical documentary. (Or was supposed to be historical, though you're soon to see my dreams apparently have a strange sense of "historical"!)

In the dramatic reenactment currently on the screen, a trio of geisha were creeping along the top of a hill, shrouded by trees. They were looking down on a resting army, and were about to fire on them with bows and arrows. Suddenly, a female centaur took them by surprise from behind. The special effects in this "documentary" weren't very expensive, so the female centaur looked very fake. But the human half was completely naked.

Lady Centraur wrested a bow and arrow from one of the geisha and tried to fire it at them, but it turns out she was very clumsy with a bow, and the arrow just fell to the ground. Then the geisha took out some kind of ropes or netting and began trying to restrain the centaur, and the battle was on...


Anonymous said...

Please illustrate this one:)

it's fantastic
I love how the dream starts
with putting a pizza in the oven-

Andrew said...

Ha would make for a funny illustration, I guess...PERHAPS!