Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Little Girl With Two Board Games


I was going to meet my friends at this strange, run-down house in an old neighborhood. There was a fictional little girl, about 9 or 10 years old in the car with me. Supposedly I was watching her for the day or something.

On our way to the strange run-down house, we stopped by the store. It was the girl's birthday, and I told her she could pick out a present. She chose two board games. One of them was "Operation". Somehow I knew she already owned that game, so I urged her to pick a game she didn't have. She explained she'd lost one of the pieces to her "Operation" game, and so needed an entire new set.

When we eventually arrived at the house of our original destination, there were several black guys guarding the place with weapons. I approached them and explained we were expected there to meet friends, so they said we could go in. Before we did, I placed both of the girl's new board games in a stand-alone garage beside the house and left them there.

I have vague memories of being inside the house and talking to people, but my next and last clear memory is riding back home with the young girl. We were having some sort of odd conversation.

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