Saturday, August 7, 2010

Swarming Baby Chipmunks & A Few Cameos


I was with Lisa. She kept several pet chipmunks in her garage. There were two adult ones, a male and a female, and very many little baby ones. The parents lived in some sort of habitat, but all the babies stayed in an old shoe rack Lisa had set up against a wall. It was filled with old shoes, and the babies would just crowd into them to sleep.

The most surreal thing is, the babies, which were each only about the size of a quarter, were trained to run into and out of the shoes at the clap of your hand. I remember Lisa first taking me into the garage to show them to me. She clapped her hands, and this super-fast swarm of little baby chipmunks just flowed out. We fed them, let them play a while, and then another clap of the hands sent them swarming back into the shoes. It was surreal.

We went back into Lisa's house, but it was really big, but at some point it became a movie theater instead. We walked down one empty hallway and bumped into Steve Carell as he came out of a door. He was very affable, and kept referring to the situation as if he was "making a cameo". Then Paul Rudd came out and spoke to us, and we talked about his "cameo". (These Carell and Rudd are in a current movie together, so I guess that explains this, though I haven't seen it).

I said something to the effect of, "Well, now all we need is a cameo by 'The Rock'!" And at that time, "The Rock" came out of the door, but he walked on by without speaking. This is the last I remember of this dream, as I began to wake up. I think all these "cameo" references was a light form of the dream becoming lucid, finally being broken when the third cameo made it too surreal.

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