Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Generic Grocery Store iPad & A Horrible Kiss


I was in a grocery store walking down the cereal aisle. At one point the shelf was stocked with devices that looked like generic iPads. I plated around with one and really thought it was neat. Suddenly I realized I had been standing their for a full hour! I looked and found out that the generic iPads were something like $10, so I put one in my cart.
Unfortunately, I had some frozen goods in my shopping cart, and I knew they wouldn't still be good if I had been standing there for an hour, so, naturally, I returned them to the shelf!

For some reason I took the groceries to my parents' house. I unloaded them in the kitchen and then began playing with my generic iPad. It needed charging pretty soon, so I plugged it in and began preparing some type of cereal for supper. Then I was back on the generic iPad again, now chatting online with a girl I had been acquaintance-level friends with in high school. I'd kind of liked her back then, and in my dream she admitted she had always liked me as well and we should do something about it right now, even though she was married.

This whole conversation was interrupted when my parents called to check how things were going in their house (apparently I was house-sitting). As soon as I quit talking to them, I turned back to resume my online chat, but now it's as though the girl was actually there in person!

It felt really, really awkward (because she was married!) and I didn't want to be there. She insisted we kiss. So we kissed. It was a terribly awkward kiss. I was almost relieved--I thought surely she'd leave and end this weird situation because the kiss was so horrible. But she loved it! She exclaimed on and on about how it was one of the most amazing kisses ever. I had been there for the kiss, and I thought she was crazy for thinking this about it.

At some point in this dream there was a report on TV about Delaware Republican Senate nominee, Christine O'Donnell, who has been all over the news lately. Apparently the election was over and she had lost. She was literally crying on TV about how unfair it was.

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