Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Talking Cat


There is a stray Siamese cat that hangs out near the place where I work. We've been feeding it for months. It's gotten used to us, but hasn't been tamed. My dream started out as basically a real life scene in which I arrived at work in the morning and the cat was there waiting for me to put its food out...

Then, suddenly, a random family pulled into the parking lot and wanted to visit my workplace. I vaguely remember these people spending some time inside the building. Eventually I remembered that I had never fed the cat, so I went to the door to see if it was still outside.

The cat was there, and when it saw me it asked, "Are you gonna feed me now?" I had no reaction except to casually say, "Yeah, in just a minute." I went on to prepare its food. I thought about how I'd have to tell my bosses that the cat was talking now, but it really didn't seem that strange at all!

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