Friday, September 11, 2009

The Lost Bus


Another dream blatantly inspired by the recent marathon of the Lost on DVD (I finished season 3 last night).

I was riding in bus full of people, some of whom were characters from Lost (and I recognized them as such, though it seemed normal). We were being transported to some place on an island. I somehow knew in my mind that the bus was supposed to crash and strand us there, and kept anticipating it.

The bus driver, a middle-aged woman, seemed kind of creepy, and I assumed she was one of "the others". At any rate, the bus didn't actually crash. We just ended up arriving at a certain place on the island from which the bust driver said we'd have to walk. I remember traipsing up a long, severe hill and speaking to Jack. We were trying to theorize what was going on.

Finally we arrived at some houses. I remember several of us were gathered in the living room of one of the houses at night. We were watching TV, and some game show was on. The game show was all in French and featured a spinning wheel kind of like on Wheel of Fortune. The lady by the wheel, however, was a Muppet-like puppet (the host and all other members of the show were regular people).

I thought I "remembered" this as some kind of old classic game show that they used to show reruns of when I was a kid. For some reason it seemed wrong to me that they were showing it here--like it was a clue to something bad that was going on. I felt I needed to warn everyone, if I could only figure out what it was that was giving me this feeling.

My last memory is that someone dragged John Locke's dead body into the room (I don't remember/know how he'd been killed). We were all wrapping it up and preparing it for burial. Some random teenage girl among us commented "Ew! He's missing one of his toes!"

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