Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Ball Bearing X-File

This is the second of two dreams from this day...the first is posted in a separate post below this one...

I was with agents Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. We were investigating a large, silver box, about the size of an SUV. The box had no apparent openings, no seams, just solid, shiny chrome-like metal at all sides, and it had mysteriously appeared in the front yard of the house I lived in as a teenager. Mulder was determined to figure out how to get inside the contraption, though it seemed impervious to any attempt.

Suddenly, a futuristic woman appeared holding a large gun. She began firing at the box, and this weapon was actually successfully at ripping holes in it. Immediately, hundreds of tiny ball bearings began rolling out! It quickly became apparent that the balls were sentient, as they all swarmed toward us and we began to flee!

Then a pinkish, slimy substance began to pour out from the box and envelop the ball bearings, drawing them back into the crate. We all stood staring, in a state of total shock. Mulder began to explain how this could somehow be explained by common evolutionary processes.

Then my family dogs, Einstein and Harley, came running up to me. In reality, Harley is long deceased and Einstein is very old, but they were both in their youth in this dream. I began petting the two of them, especially Harley. Then I looked down and noticed that, cradled in one of Harley's front paws, was a taco, as though he were casually holding and eating it! Aaaand that's about when I woke up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the ending makes this one!

really funny.
was there hot sauce on the taco?

I've been watching a lot of x-files
on netflix lately. My definite favorite episode is "Bad Blood"
w/ Luke Wilson

although it might be "Arcadia" too