Friday, March 20, 2009

Instead Of The One We Were Going To Watch.


Second of two dreams I remembered this night...

I was with a large crowd of people gathered outside. We were sitting in a grassy area off the side of a remote road, as if waiting for something or someone. Most if not all of us were wearing white T-shirts with some kind of logo on them and pale blue gym shorts. One of the women in the group was annoying, and reminded me of Amy Poehler.

Next I recall our group entering the house of a middle-aged couple who'd invited us for dinner. Many of us sat in the living room as we waited for the food to be ready. As we sat, I was watching what was on the TV, and it was a commercial for some movie with Paul Rudd in it.

The lady then called us all to the table, but just as we began to be seated she announced some new, unforeseen delay in the food being ready. We all returned to our seats in various parts of the house.

This time I ended up in a side room, sort of a furnished, indoor patio. There was a small TV in this room as well. Adam Sandler sat in one of the chairs, watching what was supposedly his latest movie on said TV. I wasn't impressed by anything I saw of it, and he was starting to annoy me, so I went out for a walk.

I was walking through the neighborhood and suddenly realized I was missing one of my gloves. The weather was pleasant, and I was not bundled up, so I have no idea why I was wearing my gloves to begin with. I had just begun deliberating whether it was worth retracing all my steps to try to find where the lost one had dropped when I noticed it was conveniently lying in the dust right at my feet.

I returned the the house and now seemingly everyone was gathered around Adam Sandler, watching his movie. They told me he'd convinced them to watch this one "instead of the one we were going to watch."


Anonymous said...


I guess the studio doesn't trust him he is back to the independent route of self promotion?

I have also had a dream with Adam Sandler- along similar lines...although it was more creepy.

I found him in a dark room- alone
flipping through a milk crate of old records (vinyls). He seemed really engrossed/obsessed with the activity- so I left.

Andrew said...

Ha ha...that is an odd and some what creepy Sandler cameo!