Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Picnic on the Porch


First I remember watching an episode of The Office. The story and dialogue was very detailed in my dream, but of course I can't remember it now. I do remember that Karen was back in this episode, and the story seemed to revolve a lot around Kevin. It was funny, and I was guffawing and laughing constantly.

I partially woke up at this point. I heard a little bit of noise from the apartment below me (or thought I perceived it in my semi-sleep state). I remember wondering if I'd been laughing out loud and she'd heard me? But then I was back asleep again.

There was another dream in which several of my friends were coming over to my house--yes, a house I lived in as opposed to my actual apartment. It was early evening after work, supposedly on a Friday. This house had a fairly large porch, and we had set up a table on it and were all going to eat there. There were some fictional people there beyond my group of normal friends.

As it grew gradually more dark outside and we all sat down to eat, I realized I was apparently supposed to go to Richard and Jessica's this evening, so I should probably call them and explain why I wasn't coming.

It seems I went back in the house and M. was in the kitchen getting some kind of food to take back out to the porch as I passed by. I got on the Internet and that's about all I remember.

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