Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Creepy Couple and the Canorous Cutie


Somehow I met this couple who were supposed to be the pastors of an area megachurch. They expected me to film them for something relating to work. In the dream I recognized them, apparently from TV, and already knew I didn't care much for them.

They couple was fairly youthful, probably in their thirties, and full of energy. But they were very obviously stuck on themselves. They wanted to get their church services on TV, and you could tell it was really all about them getting on TV. They thought they were going to be the next big thing and kept telling me (boasting to me) about all these ideas and programs they had that were just going to revolutionize everything. Since I was meeting with them for my job, I had to be polite, but I just wanted to roll my eyes.

I remember at one point they explained to me that one of their "helpful exercises" was that each of them would go off separately every morning and write down a list of positive and a list of negative traits that each felt they saw in the other. Somehow, they claimed, this kept their marriage healthy. I remember them taking time to write their respective lists and then handing them to me and telling me to keep them.

I couldn't resist skimming over the lists once they were in my possession, and it soon became clear that they consisted almost entirely of negatives. In fact, was obvious that this couple pretty much hated each other. It was about this time that the couple got in their car and left. I decided to throw away all their papers and material, as I did not care about them. Suddenly the husband showed up again by himself. He wanted his wife's papers, so he could see what she'd been writing about him. I told him I'd thrown them away already, and he was upset, exclaiming that I was supposed to keep them!

Next I remember I was supposed to be going on a blind date. I walked into some room that looked like a coffee shop or something similar, though it was laid out like one of my fifth grade classrooms! I happened to enter the busy-but-not-crowded place of business just behind a girl. Somehow I just knew she was my date, so I introduced myself, and it turns out I was correct.

The girl was fairly pretty, with dark blonde hair, wearing a dress with a black and white pattern. We went over to a nearby counter and stood and made small talk. Things seemed to be going nicely, and eventually we made our way into an adjoining room that looked like is was someone's home kitchen.

We sad down at the kitchen table and continue to talk. Something I said reminded her of a song, and I told her I wasn't sure I was familiar with the song she was referencing. She proceeded to casually sing the song to me, and she had a very nice voice. She didn't stop with just a snippet of the song, but continued the whole thing. At one point she stood up and began to meander around the kitchen as she sang. It wasn't like some Broadway thing where someone breaks into song--she was just singing the song as nonchalantly as if she were alone in her own home.

As she was singing the last part of the song she laid down with her head in my lap. I was pretty certain I was beginning to fall for her. At point she walked over to the refrigerator and took out a wadded-up piece of tin-foil which contained some leftovers. She sat down at the table and began picking away at them.

I asked, almost sarcastically, if she was hungry, and she said she was, but this was all she had to eat. Incredulous, I explained to her, "You know we can go out and get actual food, right? I'll take you wherever you'd like to go." She seemed a little surprised, almost like she didn't believe me. But the next and final thing I remember is the two of us in my car, presumably heading to a restaurant.

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