Monday, November 30, 2009

The Leftover Pizza


First I remember there was a local morning newscast, and actress Amy Adams was one o the anchors (I actually think she may have been the meteorologist, but I'm not certain). I became a huge fan of this newscast, and tried to never miss one.

Then I recall leaving work one day and I was carrying some leftover slices of pizza with me. The pizza needed to be refrigerated, but I had to make a quick stop by the mall before I could go home and take care of that.

Instead of going to the actual mall, I went to the the nature/walking trail located just behind the mall. I sometimes go here in real life for walks, and I guess that's what I did in the dream, though my memories are vague. I do know that, while in this area, I briefly talked with some fairly goth looking girl. She was friendly and cute, but I wrote her off as too young.

Upon leaving the walking trail, I saw my friends Richard and Jessica in the mall parking lot. They said they were going to see a movie, and asked me to join them. I decided I would. Sitting inside the darkened theater, I realized my leftover pizza was going to ruin sitting out in my car all this time. Then it occured to me to ask Richard and Jessica who they got to babysit their daughter, Cailey, while they were out, and the explained that no one was watching her; they'd just left her locked in the car!

In the wonder of dream logic, we then went out to the car and it was as if we'd been in the theater for the length of an entire movie. Cailey was screaming and hysterical in the backseat (forget the fact that she's five and should have no problem getting herself out of a locked car). I remember Jessica trying to comfort her.

I left Richard and Jessica and passed by that goth-ish girl from before. I spoke to her and this time she ingnored me and was very rude, which was a disappointing about-face from her previously gregarious behavior.

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