Monday, September 12, 2011

The Indecisive Order and the Old Photograph


I was driving down a local highway on my way to meet Eric for some dinner. I passed a fictional church on my way. The church was mostly brick, but the front and back of the building each featured a huge portion of wall that was jut stained glass from ground to roof. It was dusk, so it was dark enough out that I could see light coming from the huge windows. The light was flashing different colors and created a really pretty effect.

My next memory is being at the restaurant, a local pizza place, with Eric. I also remember Jessica and Cailey being there at one point. At this restaurant you stand in line at the front to place your order, and then wait for your number to be called. This portion of the dream was extremely vivid as I stood in line trying to decide what I wanted to eat--a pizza or a sandwich (in real life it's almost unimaginable that I'd be in a pizza place and want anything other than pizza).

Even when I got up to the register I still didn't know what I wanted to order. It's so weird that this part of the dream seemed like such a big deal. I even woke up from the frustration, but quickly drifted back to sleep.

Next I was at my parents' and I saw some stacks of old pictures my dad was going through. There were several pictures taken during his time as the pastor of a church in Kentucky, where we lived during part of my childhood in the 80's. One set of pictures was of members of what was supposedly the youth group in that church at the time. Apparently they had all come to our house for some party or event. While there, each one of them had their picture taken individually, sitting in a chair beside the staircase.

There was one fictional girl from the fictional youth group that I supposedly had a crush on at the time. She was a brunette, and in her photograph, she was wearing an outfit that looked like something a teen genuinely would have worn in the 80's (when the picture was supposedly taken), but also had a hint of "Hot Topic" to it. When I saw her picture, I suddenly "remembered" her, and the childhood crush. It filled me with such nostalgia that I wanted to keep the picture for myself, so I put it with my things.

There was another picture among the ones from that era which showed my dad and some other men standing outside of a church. Upon close inspection, I realized it was the church from my earlier dream--the one with the huge stained glass windows that lit up. I thought it was strange that I'd just taken note of that church when driving by it so "recently", and then was seeing it in these old pictures.

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