Monday, February 27, 2012

Disney Fighters and an Avengers Screening


I was in some sort of electronics store, like a Best Buy. There was an X-Box 360 on display, and the featured game was something like the real-life "Capcom vs. Marvel" fighting games, in which Marvel comics characters and Capcom video game characters square off against each other. Only the dream game featured fictional video game characters vs. classic Disney characters!

The game had a very rich "cel shaded" animated look, which left me highly impressed. Each of the Disney characters looked authentically animated, as though they were right from their respective films (and ones from more recent CG films looked appropriate as well).

I watched someone playing a demo copy. They were playing either as or against Rapunzel, who could use her hair as a weapon (the opponent was a generic video game brute of some sort). I was so impressed that I decided on the spot to buy an X-Box just so I could have this game! (I don't game much in reality, and all these years later have yet to invest in any kind of modern system beyond the Wii.)

In another dream, I was with the local Movie Meetup group that I used to attend regularly, but has sort of fizzled in real life. We had been given an opportunity to see this summer's upcoming Avengers movie early! I remember we all met at the designated venue, along with a few other invited groups.

We had to take elevators up to the viewing room, and somehow I got separated from my group and rode an elevator alone. Then I entered a room where they were seating everyone in rows of folding chairs. I still didn't see anyone I recognized from my group, so I just took a seat and waited.

A man at the front of the room announced that seating was going to be drawn by lottery. He began to explain how the lottery worked. It somehow involved flowers, which he would soon be passing out to each of us. His description of this whole process was so utterly confusing! I grew increasingly frustrated. Between my inability to understand what the man was talking about and the fact that I still hadn't found my friends, this was turning out to be a rotten event. My agitation soon woke me.

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