Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Failed Neighborhood Screening


I got a Facebook message from someone inviting me to attend a screening of the Zooey Deschanel TV show, "New Girl" in a nearby neighborhood. Basically someone had just set up a giant projector screen in their yard and were planning on showing that week's episode for people in the neighborhood.

For some reason I showed up for the event. There were two sets of small, metal bleachers facing a large screen on an otherwise empty, featureless lawn. Only a handful of people were spread across the bleachers. The time came for the viewing to begin, and nothing happened. People became impatient. Then one of my uncles approached me and explained to me that he was having difficulty getting the projector to work.

I remember another dream in which Ashely and I were driving around early one morning discussing where to stop for breakfast. We were passing through a really nice looking neighborhood, though it was totally empty. The sense of pristine abandonment seemed somewhat eerie in the early morning light.

Finally I remember a dream in which I was in someone's kitchen and a televangelist was preaching about money on a small TV. An official-looking man in a business suit suddenly interrupted the preacher to say he was being investigated for some sort of violations of some sort of policies. Then it was revealed that this was all an act being presented as an object lesson for part of the sermon.

The people in the kitchen with me (I can't remember who they were, if anyone specific) began mocking the televangelist. I joined in by picking up a nearby broom and announcing, "Look! A giant ice scraper!" I have no idea what that was supposed to have to do with anything, but it made sense--and was funny--in the dream.

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