Saturday, March 10, 2012



As I was getting into bed last night, I had the thought that it was about time to wash the sheets again. The only dream I remember had a lot to do with bedsheets! I only vaguely recall the first part, which had something to do with spending the night at my parents house, and the specific kind of sheets on the guest bed there.

Later in the dream, I was going through a pile of old papers and throwing out the stuff I didn't need. I found some old wall calendars of mine from previous years. I decided I could thrown them away, but first I pulled off a small, colorful square, not much bigger than a scrabble tile, that was attached to certain ones of them. These little squares, it turns out, could unfold into full sets of bedsheets! The pattern on the sheets reflected the type of pictures on the calendar they came from. One had a pattern with birds, another with leaves and flowers, etc.

So, yeah...bedsheets! That's about it!

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