Thursday, March 22, 2012

Loner Zombie, Snarky Doctor, and Doctor Who's New Foe


I was in the front yard of the house I lived in as a teen. Everything seemed pretty peaceful, until I noticed a man lying in the grass on the opposite side of the driveway, near the neighbor's property. I couldn't tell if they were even alive!

I cautiously approached the body and soon realized it was a zombie! It had been quiet and still, but it roused when it saw me approaching, stood up, and came ambling after me.

Since the zombie was slow and seemed to be entirely alone, my sense of panic was surprisingly measured. I rushed into the garage in hopes of finding something with which to kill it. I found a shotgun and shovel, but was unsure which to use. My internal debate was that, given my total lack of knowledge about guns, I might actually miss if I used the shotgun, or use it incorrectly altogether...the shovel, on the other hand, required a closer kill, and would be much more disgusting. All the while, the zombie continued its approach...

My next memory of a dream found me walking into some type of seedy-looking hospital or clinic. I only needed antibiotics for a sinus infection (something I actually had several weeks ago), but most of the people in the waiting room--and there were a lot of them--seemed terribly ill. I felt badly for them, but at the same time was afraid of catching something. Not to mention the fact that this facility seemed to be rather filthy was a matter of concern itself.

Eventually I got to see a doctor. She was a middle-aged woman, and she kept trying to run all kinds of tests on me. I kept explaining to her that I just needed to get some meds for my sinuses, but she seemed to ignore my requests. Eventually we got very snarky and sarcastic with each other.

And finally, I had a dream that Ashley and Eric and I were all watching the series 7 premiere of Doctor Who! I remember an opening scene in which the 11th Doctor was sitting in a booth in a old greasy spoon diner, talking to some character I can't remember.

Even though I was clearly aware that I was watching this on TV, I seemed to see everything from the point of view of the other person sitting in the booth with the Doctor. I remember being impressed with how especially funny this scene was. The Doctor's quirkiness was on full display.

The rest of my memory is a blur, though I remember a villain was introduced. The actor who played him reminded me, even in the dream, of Freddie Mercury. Everything ended on some kind of cliffhanger, and then Eric and Ashley and I discussed how unfair it was that we had to wait a whole week to find out what happened.

Somehow we received a magazine or brochure or some sort which had pictures and description from the next week's episode. We saw that the Freddie Mercury villain had strapped Amy Pond and Rory each into a cruel metal device of some sort. The device held them in an "on all fours" position, and their mouths were pried open. The villain's plan was to kill them by force-feeding them to death through giant funnels! It was fairly disturbing imagery, didn't strike us as seeming very Doctor Who-ish, and it's the last thing I remember before waking...

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