Monday, December 14, 2009

Counterfeit Songwriting


I can't remember the full "story" of the dream (though I know there was one), but the one part I do remember fairly vividly is that I was writing a song. I have no musical gifting whatsoever in reality, but in the dream I had written a full song by myself. There were lyrics, melody--everything. I could clearly hear in my head how the finished product was meant to sound as I wrote the words on the paper. I was trying to explain how it would all sound to my friend Eric, who actually is musical.

Upon waking I could no longer remember what the words were, or exactly what the tune was. Chances are the lyrics were gobbledygook, and the music was probably lifted from some actual preexisting song in my subconscious. But it still felt weird to dream so vividly of doing something I have no actual inkling for.

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