Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love Gone Wrong on Escalators


I was in the studio at work and we were preparing to film something, only I was mostly with friends and fictional people as opposed to coworkers. In the center of the studio were two sets of escalator stairs, one going up and the other coming down. They were both freestanding, with no actual destination at the top. Just props.

There was a random series of music playing in the background. All of the songs were about breakups, or love gone wrong, etc. I'm sure most of the songs were just the fictional garble of dreams, but one of them was most definitely "Twisting" by They Might Be Giants. I remember hearing the opening music and some of the lyrics of it.

As these breakup songs played, the working escalators were covered in bouquets of beautiful roses and other flower arrangements. The escalator going up had fresh arrangements, while the escalator coming down had wilted and dead arrangements. I actually found this to be an excellent visual for the love-gone-wrong stuff.

Then I was sitting with a group of people somewhere else in the room while the music played. Some presumably fictional song was playing, and this guy told me that he'd actually seen the girl who sang the song play in concert years ago when she was popular. He said the concert had actually been at the artists' own pool at her home. But he explained that in was an indoor pool, in the middle of a huge restroom facility. Not only that, but food was also being served there.

One girl in our group proclaimed how gross it was that they were serving food in a place that was also used as a restroom. I announced that it must have been a "rest-urant". The girl actually laughed at this horrible, horrible attempt at a pun, and I woke up.

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