Saturday, January 16, 2010

First Day of School


I was going back to high school again, though I remained my current age. I remember driving to the school for my first day of class early one morning. In the car I was listening to the Dixie Chicks "Wide Open Spaces" album, specifically "Am I the Only One (Who's Ever Felt This Way)". Though I haven't played that album in years, the song in question did rotate through in iPod shuffle the other day, so I guess that explains this part. (And a note for those who are curious, no I don't primarily listen to country music, though the iPod does have an eclectic bit of most everything residing inside.)

Once I arrived at school I had to report to homeroom. I assumed it would be the same homeroom I'd had senior year, so I went looking for it. The interior of the school had changed a lot, though it remained largely recognizable. On my way to class I saw a big sign posted on the wall that specified which homeroom you had, and it confirmed I'd been correct in my guess.

Arriving at my homeroom classroom, I was greeted by the teacher, who was the same one I really had my senior year. I was surprised that she was still there. Instead of desks, the room was laid out with long tables, with students sitting in chairs along the length of one side of the table.

Being one of the first to arrive in the classroom, I picked one of the many empty seats and waited. As the room began to fill up I realized that I had not brought a single book, notebook, or other supply with me to school! My decision to do so had been deliberate, as I assumed there would be nothing to do on the first day--but now I began to realize how silly that notion had been.

To compound the silliness of things, the one item I had bothered to bring to school was a plastic Simpsons diorama! It was built on a flat, gray base, about 2' x 3'. On this base a variety of small figurines of Simpsons characters were placed. Now that I'd realized I had it with me, I couldn't remember for the life of my why!

Now homeroom was about to begin and I was debating whether or not to ask the girl beside me if I could borrow some paper and a pencil to at least take any important notes.

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