Saturday, January 30, 2010

Jewel and the Missing Camera


I was in a Disney-like theme park and it was late in the evening. Somehow I had been selected as one of a few to have their photo taken with Jewel. She was on the porch of what looked like an Southern Antebellum home, and there was a backdrop behind her that, I believe, had dinosaurs on it.

So I posed with Jewel. She was very friendly and pretty. The photographer, for some reason, was using my own camera. He took two or three shots of us, Jewel thanked me, I took my camera, and went on my way.

I began wandering around the grounds of the park. They were announcing that it was almost closing time. Suddenly I realized I didn't have my camera with me! I must have left it behind after the Jewel pictures. I began a frantic search! I couldn't lose this camera--it's newish, not especially cheap, and beloved! Not to mention in the dream it had all of my pictures from the theme park on it!

I went back into the Antebellum house where Jewel had been. The park staff told me that no one had turned in a missing camera, they were about to close, so I couldn't go in and look for it. I went in anyway and began roaming up and down the ornate hallways in search of my missing possession.

Many of the halls were already darkened as they were shutting things down. I was flipping switches, turning things on at will as I searched. I finally located the camera, sitting on the lower shelf of a decorative table in one of the hallways.

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