Friday, July 2, 2010

On the Run From the Bad Man


I was in a room with a man who I understood to be a very bad person. I was in fear for my life. We were sort of having a stand-off with each other, but somehow I had ended up with his gun--a shotgun (I know nothing about guns). I was holding him at gunpoint as he stood in the corner of the room.

I instructed the bad man that I was going to leave the room and rejoin my friends now, and he was not to leave this room for 30 minutes after I left. If he left the room anytime before that, I would come back and kill him. He had to stay in that corner for exactly 30 minutes after I was gone or else!

I ran back to where my friends were and explained to them that we had exactly 30 minutes to escape before our enemy caught up to us. We all kept talking about getting "back to the island" before the man could stop us (obviously some kind of subconscious Lost reference).

A large part of the dream centered around everyone hurriedly packing their bags for a trip. I seemed to know we'd be traversing part of the ocean in little canoe-type vessels. I was a little intimidated about the journey, as well as about living on an island to hide from this guy.

I do specifically remember packing bath towels and my tooth brush.

There is a vague memory of travel of some sort, but my next clear memory is that we ended up in a very posh hotel. Out of our big group, Eric and Richard and I were checking into one room together. I kept explaining how I had thought we'd be roughing it on an island, and did not at all expect to find this nice hotel at the other end of our journey.

Then we saw the bad man stalking the hotel lobby and we knew our troubles were not over after all, though I can't remember anything after this point.

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