Monday, January 9, 2012

A Book, A Tee, and a Morning Walk


A new book had come out and was creating quite a buzz in the media. Apparently it was especially embraced by women, and was considered very inspirational. While I was aware of the hype, I hadn't paid much attention to it until my parents informed me that they were going to attend an event at which the author would be speaking, and they wanted me to attend.

The event was held at a local bar, looking very much like the atmosphere in which you'd attend a small concert. I couldn't believe my very conservative parents were willing to enter a bar, even if it was just to hear a speaker they were interested in (for that matter, I was fairly surprised they were interested in this book/speaker). Predictable, I think my dad did have second thoughts and leave, though I really don't remember much about what happened once we got there.

In another dream I was in a large department store and saw a display of T-shirts inspired by the Who Framed Roger Rabbit movie. One of the designs looked very similar to a Roger Rabbit tee I actually used to have as a kid, when the movie was current. The display had all the shirts hanging from a clothesline that kept them just out of reach.

I was trying unsuccessfully to reach one of them for closer inspection when a man came up and started speaking to me. He looked a lot like one of my uncles (perhaps it was even supposed to be him, I'm not sure).

And, in a final dream, I thought that I was actually awake and getting out of bed to go to the track for my morning walk. I was dressed and almost ready to go out when I noticed I'd put on my "real" daily-life clothes instead of just the old "morning walk" clothes.

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