Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Odd Choice for a Book Signing


George R. R. Martin, the author of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" book series (a.k.a., "Game of Thrones") was going make an appearance and sign books in nearby Atlanta. I wanted to attend, but, since I own electronic Kindle copies of those books, I realized I would have nothing for him to sign!

The logical solution in the waking world would be to go buy a physical copy of one of the books and have him sign it. In the dream, however, the obvious choice was to pack all seven hardcover "Harry Potter" books from my shelf into a duffel bag so that he could sign each of them instead!

My final memory is actually waiting in line at the book signing. I could see GRRM sitting at the table. As I waited, it finally occurred to me what a ridiculous idea it was to bring the Potter books.

In another dream, I was taking an improv class. I really took a class offered by a local improv troupe a little over a year ago, and they recently announced a level two class will be offered in the spring--so this is no doubt where this dream comes from.

In the dream, one of the teachers told me I should have brought my camera to document the evening. I told her that I had my cell phone, and we could at least take pictures with that. She agreed that would work well enough, and immediately began sorting through prop items--wigs, hats, and the like--that were spread out across a nearby table. I vaguely remember the two of us talking a little more, though I can't recall any more detail.

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